Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Dream A World

The poem "I Dream A World" by poet Langston Hughes is such an amazing poem. Every person... every individual has their own point of view or opinion of what they would dream our world, and Langston seems to speak for the majority. In my opinion, I would want the world to be a place of peace and comfort. Never having that fear of a war and such things that are very similar. Also being able to feel accepted by all and never having to be judged or labeled, but obviously that is not going to happen any time soon.

I do think that somethings that do and are going on that we seem to be having issues with can be stopped and discontinued. In my opinion, a lot of adults act like little children who are very immature and have like no brains at times. I mean who cares what race, color, background, or anything else that people make a huge deal about and discriminate others by. Yes we are all different, yet still the same. It's the differences that make us unique and special. If everyone was the same our world would become boring. I haven't found one single person who eats the same food everyday or wears the same clothes. Most people like myself seem to like variety. After awhile you get bored and want something else.

I personally enjoy meeting new people of different cultures, races, and religions. That does not mean that I am going to believe like them or even dislike them. All it means is that I will except them for who they are. I haven't been judged for being different, but I have had friends and family who have gone through it. I think that it is one of the cruelest things someone can do.

There are a few powers that I have that can make my dream a reality. One is the knowledge that I gain in school and throughout life experiences. Without knowledge there is no power. Another is my voice, and not always literally speaking. For instance, voting for what I believe in and things that I believe are right. If you do not speak up, no one will ever know and you wiil never find out if it will make a difference. You can't just wait around and think that someone else will get things done. Like many people say,"if you want something done, you got to do it yourself." I've learned to find out how true it really is. I believe that every person has these powers weather or not they realize it and in the end we are all humans with different things that make us special and who we are.