Monday, September 20, 2010

Race in America

My opinion about the current controversy which is surrounding the building of the Islamic mosque in New York City is that I personally think that they have a right to build there mosque. I mean the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution clearly states that everyone in the United States has the freedom of religion. Which obviously means that they do have the right to build it.

Now my other opinion is that they do not have the right to build it two blocks away or anywhere close to ground zero. I think that it would be very disrespectful to the people who were lost that day, their families and loved ones, and not only them but all Americans and our country.

I think that ever since the incident of 9/11 happened it has filled a lot of people with hurt and bitterness which for some has turned into hatred against certain religions and races. A perfect example of this is a pastor from Florida by the name of Terry Jones. He said that this year on 9/11 he was going to burn the Koran, which is the holy book of Islam. He felt that there needs to be a message across to the radical Islams. I think that they already know that they have done us wrong, but I do not think that Terry Jones needs to do that because it will create more problems and put all Americans at risk.

Another issue that is going on is the governor of Arizona who is against immigration rights and laws. She wants to send all immigrants back to where they came from and not allow any more in. She really made herself look bad because she has said that people have been beheading people of Arizona and that there are headless bodies, but everything has been proven to be a lie.  

The issue that ties all of these things together is race issues. People seem to not be able to get along with each other because of differences that they can't seem to accept and the problem don't seem to be getting better. Certain people seem to discriminate just because it is weird of new when they don't realize that they don't have to change or be like them...all they have to do is learn to understand and accept them.