Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cultural Underpinnings of liturature

The Juedo-Christian paradigm has helped shaped a lot of things in the Western Civilization. Almost everything can somehow relate back to it. Some examples of it are literature, science, history, writing, poetry and many other things. Certain cultures are shaped by this because many people follow certain traditions and beliefs which have somehow shaped Americans. For example, here in America most Christian people celebrate Christmas. Jew's celebrate Hanuka which is sort of like their Christmas.

An example of some stuff that is going on in the world is the Mosque that the Islam people want to build in New York. Some people don't want that to happen because the place where they want to build is near the place where the Twin Towers used to be. Others are saying that they should be allowed because of certain rights that our country offers. My personal opinion is that they have the right to build it, but I also believe that it cannot be within a certain distance of the Twin Towers. It is sort of like how certain places and stores cannot sell liquor or any alcoholic drinks by homes or around schools.

Another thing that is very similar is a Pastor named Terry Jones who said that on 9/11 he was going to burn the holy Islamic book called the Koran. He said that he wanted to get a message across to radical Islam saying that they can build their Mosque, but they have no right to try to make our people from our country believe in what they do and they cannot enforce their life style on Americans.

Also the Governor or Arizona wants to pass laws about immigration. She is trying to have all immigrants (Mexicans in general) sent back to where they came from. She has also lied because she has been saying that there have been beheadings which there is no proof that it is true. Another thing is that when she has been interviewed, the questions that she has been asked, she completely avoids them by simply changing the subject. By doing that she seems to not be a good communicator and the fact that she lied makes her look really bad to the public.