Friday, April 30, 2010

Someone I'd Be For A Day

Well I'd really have to think about it. I would probably like to be my mom. My mom is one of the most amazing people in the world. My mom is one of a kind. She’s funny, smart, lovable, and most of all she’s my mother. She has always been there for me and has done her best to raise me.
Ever since I can remember I’ve had a lot of fun with her. I was an only child for six years and most of the time she spent it with me. She didn’t work so our normal day was to get up and go water the flowers and to play outside. Then to go in about lunch time and after we ate to start cleaning the house. At about four o’clock dinner was made and ready for when my dad walked in and I would be watching TV. She went out of her way just so she could to try to make me and my dad happy.
When our family was starting to get bigger we didn’t spend as much time as we used to, but we still find time. My mom has taught me so much. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t know a lot of things. Now that she’s gone back to working every chance I get to be with her I take. She’s more than a mother, she’s also a best friend who I can trust with anything.
Whenever I needed something weather it would be just someone to talk to or someone to laugh with she’d be there. She gives of herself so much and I wish I could pay her back for everything that she’s done for me. She also does her best in anything and everything.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Many Times I Was Betrayed

A time that I was betrayed so much was when I was four-teen years old. The beginning of the school year had started out great, but like they say…"when you get to high school friendships and people change", and I've seen how true it is. One of my close friends at the time started hanging around other people and we eventually stopped talking. When that happened I was jealous and mad at her but I soon forgot about that. Not long after that happened a new amazing person walked into my life. She has always been there but we never really noticed each other. She's one of the ones that helped me hold myself together… my temporary tourniquet.

They say that everything gets back to you one way or another. Well I had hurt one of my friends by making a huge mistake and it caused her to hate me. It bugged me but I didn't think much of it until someone I really cared for turned against me. Right then and there I felt like I was going to lose everything. It really hurts when you lose a best friend who you have also liked for awhile. Someone whom you have trust and shared your secrets. Someone who was there through the good times and the hard. Lost all because of a stupid misunderstanding. Have you ever wished you could make things better with someone? That's how I felt. What hurt even more is when he betrayed me with two of my friends. He had started to like both of them and would come up to them when they were with me and talk and act like if I wasn't there and never existed.

By now it seemed like things couldn't get any worse, but they almost did. My new almost best friend had started to get close to someone I didn't like. I started to feel like I shouldn't get close to any one just so I could save myself a heart ache. Somehow I held on and we're still the best of friends. Throughout the rest of the school year I got betrayed and hurt but as long as my best friend Janessa was by my side every problem is small and able to overcome.

When someone betrays you it hurts. It makes you feel pain, sadness, anger, and sometimes vengeance… which will never do you any good. An awesome quote by Steven Deitz about betrayal is, “One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope."

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Twist

My idea for a new episode for Twilight is that after everything was going fine. There problems they thought were far behind them. They were, well for the moment. Since they couldn't send Renesmee to school because she was growing at a alarming rate and the fact that she wasn't a normal child she stayed home so they taught her everything they know.

Jacob came to visit every day and sometimes he would even sleep over. Sam and the rest of the pack were okay with it... well everyone except for Leah. Even though it seemed like she didn't like him she had started to because she had got to get to know him when she joined his pack. She was tired of being by herself and she was also tired of seeing Sam and Emily so happy together while she was there wishing that it could have been her and Sam.

Getting back to Bella and her new family, Edward and Bella couldn't stop thinking and wondering how things were going to work out with Jacob and their daughter. Would the pack and Jacobs father allow it?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Courage and Bravery

One time that I had to be brave was when my dad lost his job and my mom had to start working. I felt like my life was going downhill, falling out of control and going to crash. My dad was going through some issues and when my mom started working it just didn't feel right. When that happened I had a lot of responsibility put on me. I had to start taking care of my younger siblings, do well in school, and try to keep my house in order.

My mom has been working for almost four years now and I'm still trying to get used to it. When the whole thing started I started falling behind in everything. I started failing school, I had problems with my relationships and friendships and I felt like to much was put on my shoulders. I felt like I was supposed to grow up sooner than I expected. I started looking for a thing to cover up the hurt and make it seem like everything was ok, but that only made it worse.

We're barely getting out of this mess and chaos. Picking up the pieces that have fallen and trying to put our life and family back together. I don't feel like I went through it and was left with nothing. In my opinion I think that it’s made me stronger and a better person and I know that since I've overcome that I can overcome anything. "Look at the day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it."