Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Sophmore Year

Well this year hasn’t been a piece of cake, but it could have been worse. To me high school is like a roller coaster, always going up and down and sometimes making you sick, but fun at the same time. This year I’ve learned a lot of new things. My relationships with my friends have also grown. This year has also changed the way I look at certain things. I feel that this year was just the beginning of my life’s adventure and the first step in preparing me for what’s ahead.
I’ve learned so much this year about many things. I didn’t just learn things in the classroom, but also in my high school world around me. One main thing that I’ve learned was that going to college is a very smart decision to make. By going to college you can fulfill and dream that you desire. By staying in high school and graduating and choosing to go you have opportunities in your reach. By going to college you have a successful future and that’s what I want. Now that I’ve taken another year in health class it has given me a glimpse of what lies ahead for me when I’m in college and has helped me prepare for what is to be expected and learned. All the things I’ve learned have made me realize how important it is to stay on track and don’t fall behind because it’s rare to get certain opportunities back when you lose out on them.
I’ve also gained more confidence and self-esteem throughout the year and by that being gained it’s helped me push on through the year. I’ve had my ups and downs with my friends and have held on to them. They’ve stood by my side through all the drama and all the good times that this year has brought. We have grown really close to one another. When my future beyond high school comes I want and hope that they will be there. My spirituality has also made a difference in my life by helping my inner growth and results that happen daily in the world that I live in and how I deal with them.
I think that I’ve done a lot of growing this past year in so many ways. Not physically, but mentally for sure. I’ve grown and learned new things, but I know that there’s still some growing to do. I’ve learned that I’m able to accomplish any and everything. I’ve also learned that life is too short to worry about those little problems that bug and distract us from what we really should be focusing on. I’m not sure what my place is in this world, but I know that I was brought here for a reason and I intend to figure it out. I’m also not so sure of where I’m going to end up, but where ever it is, it’s not so far.
I’ve realized how important my voice in this world is even though I’m only one to billions. Sometimes the smallest action makes the bigger difference. We are the youth of the nation and the world and we have to let the world know that we exist by giving our opinions and making a change. Our time on earth is short… a hundred years goes and comes so fast. If we want our time to be worth while we have to find our voice and use it.
In conclusion, all the experiences that I’ve encountered in my life have taught me a lot of what I know and has helped me find covered pieces of me that I never knew. I have changed and I think that I’ve become a better person, but I still have much to learn. My sophomore year was just another stepping stone towards my oncoming future.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Anything Essay

This year for me has been another adventure. I’ve had my ups and downs. I’m so glad that this school year is almost over. One of the things that I’m very thankful for is that I still have my three best friends in the whole wide world (Janessa, Patricia, and Aundrea). They’ve stuck by my side through the good times and the bad ones; even though I know that I don’t deserve them they’re still here by my side. We’ve gone through so much drama in the last two years, but not even that has been able to tear us apart. I know I’m not perfect and that I make mistakes… a lot of them, but what I know for sure is that becoming friends with them was never a mistake. Also this year my friend Jimmy came back into my life. I was so glad because he was a very good and close friend to me. We’ve both gone separate ways, but I’ll never forget the memories that I had with him.
Ever since the first day that I started high school I keep thinking about the day that I will graduate. It has really motivated me to do the best that I can because I really want to go to college. I know that it’s possible because I know that if you really set your mind to do something you’re sure to succeed and accomplish your goal. When I graduate from high school I’m going to college to study and to become a nurse. I know that it will take a lot of work, but in the end it will be worth it.
Sometimes I get so caught up in life that I let certain things go by. Just like how some people go through life, but don’t enjoy it. Sometimes we miss out on something just because we weren’t paying attention. Just like if there’s a butterfly on the ground and someone steps on it. That person wouldn’t have even realized that they stepped on it unless he’d look under their shoe. That’s how a lot of us go through life…careless. Then we look back and wish that things would have turned out better. So now I try to not focus on the bad things in life and try to just make them better and enjoy every good thing that happens and comes my way.
I’m still going through a hard time at my house, but slowly things are falling back into place. I sometimes feel like I’ve lost so much for the past five years and I just can’t wait for all the things that I’m going through. I wanted to give up on everything, but I’ve learned that you can’t run away from your problems because sooner or later they’ll catch up to you and that there isn’t a easy way out. So I’ve decide to make the best of things until they get better. Sometimes life gives you lemons and you just have to do your best and make lemonade out of it all.

Monday, May 10, 2010

"Life can be like walking barefoot on shattered glass and broken branches, but if you don't give up along the way you'll reach a beautiful meadow"

When I’m gone I’d want people to remember and know that everyone is able to accomplish and overcome anything in life. I’d want to be an example that anything you set your mind to is possible. A wise thing to do when you’re going through a difficult time or obstacle is to not be pessimistic and look at things half empty.
Life can have its ups and downs and it can seem like your living in a never ending darkness. Life can be a struggle and sometimes you just want to give up and not push on any further, but good things come to those who wait. Things don’t always go the way we want them to, but what I’ve learned is that things happen for a reason. For example, maybe someone isn’t in your life anymore and you’re wondering why they’re gone but maybe they were holding you back or weren’t meant to be there.
Some people have no motivation and they give up on everything. Sometimes things look foggy and like they’re never going to clear up, but even after it rains the sun comes out followed by a rainbow.My life hasn't been a piece of cake, but I'm not going to just give up.